Wiltshire traffic wardens announce one-day strike

By cutting pay for these workers, Wiltshire Council are killing the goose that lays them the golden eggs, says GMB
GMB, the trade union for Wiltshire Council staff, has called a one-day strike of all traffic wardens in the county for 7 May 2022.
There will be picket lines on the day at their workplaces: Monkton Park council offices in Chippenham, and at Salisbury Library, with a rally and demonstration from 1pm in Salisbury as follows:
1:00 pm, on Saturday 7 May
Demonstration leaves from outside Salisbury Library, Market Walk, Salisbury, SP1 1BL
Rally back at Salisbury Library steps for 1:40 pm for speakers.
This will include flags, placards and banners
The strike is in opposition to a council proposal for a pay cut for all staff working unsocial hours, which will see many council workers including traffic wardens and social workers losing thousands of pounds per year.
Following an earlier rejection of the proposals by GMB, the pay cut for frontline workers which the council hoped to introduce in April was paused, but Wiltshire Council have not taken it off the table.
The council is looking to bring back the same pay cut proposals in June, with cosmetic changes.
As well as the strike day, there will be an additional protest outside Salisbury Library from 11am on Tuesday 3 May.
Keith Roberts, GMB Regional Organiser explains: “Our members unanimously voted for strike action because they simply cannot afford a pay cut.
“They are telling us that after the increase in national insurance, they have already noticed a drop in take home pay this month, and everyone is struggling with increased fuel bills, and inflation in the shops.
“We regret any disruption to the public, but the council have forced this action upon us. Wiltshire council will feel the pain because parking fines bring in around £900,000 per year, and car park charges bring in about £9 million for them. By cutting pay for these workers, they are killing the goose that lays them the golden eggs.
“GMB members are demanding that the proposed pay cut is completely withdrawn. Putting a pretty bow on it won’t fool our members.
“Scandalously, the proposed pay cut is deliberately targeted at frontline workers who deal with the public. Already the council is struggling to recruit and retain the staff working unsocial hours, many of whom are poorly paid.
“In contrast, Wiltshire Council taxpayers are shelling out for sixteen council directors to each earn over £100,000, including the chief executive, Terence Herbert, who earns over £180,000, which is more than the Prime Minister.
“GMB suggests that some of these overpaid managers act with some urgency to drop the pay cut, and therefore remove the cause of this strike."