GMB bin strike in Wealden to go ahead from Bank Holiday Monday

The second offer has been rejected by GMB members, so the strike begins in earnest
GMB union can confirm the refuse and recycling strike in Wealden District Council will commence on Monday 2 May and last for at least two weeks.
The industrial action, which affects workers employed by Biffa, was originally due to start this morning (25 April) but was suspended while the union consulted their members on an improved offer from the company.
The union has today confirmed that the offer was rejected on a turnout of 96.6 per cent by a margin of 93.1 per cent to 6.9 per cent.
Gary Palmer, GMB Regional Organiser said: “It's clear that Biffa and our members value their contribution to the refuse and cleansing contract very differently in the Wealden district area.
“The letter sent by the employer to staff really sealed the decision to go out on strike, as members were angered not just by what they consider a poor offer but by the lack of engagement and negotiation with their chosen representatives from the GMB Union.
“It was nothing more than a fait accompli.
“The walk out starts on Bank Holiday Monday for two weeks - but could be subject to further strike notice if the stand-off continues.
“We will of course meet with management to talk at any time, but let's hope that if we do, it's meaningful this time.”
Contact: Gary Palmer on 07552 165 95