Trans Remembrance Day 2024

GMB Southern Region remembers all trans activists whose lives were lost in acts of anti-transgender violence.
Transgender Day of Remembrance (TDOR) is observed annually on 20 November and honours the memory of transgender people around the world whose lives were lost in acts of anti-transgender violence.
It was founded by Gwendolyn Ann Smith, a transgender advocate in 1999 to commemorate the life and death of Rita Hester, a black trans woman who was murdered the previous year in Boston, USA.
“Transgender Day of Remembrance seeks to highlight the losses we face due to anti-transgender bigotry and violence. I am no stranger to the need to fight for our rights, and the right to simply exist is first and foremost. With so many seeking to erase transgender people — sometimes in the most brutal ways possible — it is vitally important that those we lose are remembered, and that we continue to fight for justice.” – Transgender Day of Remembrance founder Gwendolyn Ann Smith
Fast-forward 25 years and Transgender Day of Remembrance forms part of trans awareness week, where organisations such as GMB host events which seek to help raise visibility for transgender people and address the issues which the community faces.
So why is TDOR so important?
So far this year, there have been 331 known killings of trans people worldwide. This is not just happening overseas, as this includes the murder of Amy Griffiths, a trans woman from Worcestershire in January of this year.
Trans people are targeted victims of violence every day. This is particularly true of trans women and trans feminine people, trans people of colour and trans people working as sex workers.
People are losing their life because of who they are, and it needs to stop. Whether you are trans yourself or an ally, you can find a raft of information online on how to get involved in raising awareness, attending or organising a vigil, or getting involved in the GMB campaign to make workplaces better and safer for trans workers. Please find below some useful links:
GMB Trans & Non-Binary Equality at Work Toolkit
Transgender Day of Remembrance (TDOR) - GLAAD
Trans Day of Remembrance: what is it and why is it needed? | Stonewall