Swindon social work managers to strike over Christmas and New Year

The strike action, beginning on 19 December and continuing into the new year, will cause ‘Christmas chaos’, says GMB
GMB, the union for social workers, is calling a two-week strike of Assistant Team Managers starting on Tuesday 19 December.
The strike will remove a critical layer of management through the Christmas and New Year holidays.
The dispute relates to a pay and grading review, described as ‘botched’ by the union, which has left these managers earning less than some of the staff they supervise.
11 Assistant Team Managers will be striking, out of the team of 16.
Andy Newman, GMB Branch Secretary said:
"Our members are furious at the disrespect they have been shown by management.
“It is quite clear that SBC senior leadership have no idea what these staff do, the level of responsibility they take, or the key role they play in delivering case work strategies for child protection and adult social care.
"Swindon Borough Council made a complete mess of negotiations in a separate dispute with social workers in the Emergency Duty Service, which left issues unresolved, so this time GMB are insisting that ACAS be involved.
"SBC needs to act quickly to avoid this strike, before there is Christmas chaos."