Serco Lambeth Ballot 2024

Serco has offered staff the following full and final pay award, backdated to April 2023:


Core contract (excluding housing)

All drivers and loaders to be offered an increase of 6% for 2023/24 pay award period.


All housing to be offered LLW based on published rates as of Sept 2022 which aligns to Apr 2023


This will then then conclude the 2023/24 pay award process.



Core contract (excluding housing)

Drivers to be offered an increase of 4%

Loaders / operatives to be uplifted to LLW based on published rates as of Sept 2023 which aligns to April 2024.


All housing to be offered LLW based on published rates as of Sept 2023 which aligns to April 2024.


All backdated pay to be calculated and processed back to April 2023 with the aim to pay in April 2024 wages, May latest.


As you may already be aware, latest Bank of England interest rate for February has been published at being 3.4%, the lowest in two and a half year making Serco’s pay offer for 2024 of 4% above inflation which is important to note.

This offer does not apply to those members whose terms and conditions follow the National Joint Council (NJC) agreement who are handled separately to this process.

If you choose to vote ‘REJECT’ then this would give a clear indication that you wish to go forward into dispute with Serco, which would include industrial action should the outcome of the ballot be sufficient.