GMB Councillors Network

GMB is setting up a Councillor network. GMB has over a ¼ of a million members working in Local Government. We are keen to ensure that GMB councillors can communicate with each other all over the country and a new online forum is being developed.
GMB councillors being able to share experiences and best practice on issues such as the living wage and contracting in and out of services is crucial going forward. For example, Islington have already implemented a living wage:
“Islington Council believes no-one should do a hard day’s work for less than they can live on. GMB believes those who work hard should earn enough to live, not just survive. Our work together has helped Islington become one of the first councils in the country to be accredited as a Living Wage employer. That means we now pay at least the London Living Wage of £8.30 an hour to all our own staff and we are working our way through our many contractors, making sure they do too. Other local authorities with a commitment to social justice are moving in the same direction, with GMB’s support. Our people shouldn’t have to work two jobs, get no sleep, miss their kids. It’s about the dignity of work. It’s about something for something and making work pay. It’s about elected Labour and organised labour, side by side, standing up for fairness in tough times.”
If you are a GMB member and also a councillor, and would like to be added to the list please complete the form below. You can also visit our national councillors network website at