NHS Pay Ballot 2024

The Government has announced that it will honour the NHS Pay Review Body (PRB) recommendations on pay for 2024/25 in full. These are:

  • Uplifting all pay points for Agenda for Change (AfC) staff by 5.5% on a consolidated basis, taking effect from 1st April 2024.
  • Adding intermediate pay points at AfC Bands 8a and above.
  • Working with the NHS Staff Council to take forward the PRB's recommendations on AfC pay structures.

GMB will now run a consultative ballot on the imposed pay award for all GMB members across the NHS and ambulance service. Only GMB members will be eligible to vote.

We have put together a factsheet of frequently asked questions regarding the pay offer and ballot process, which you can read here.

This ballot is for members to inform GMB whether you are happy with the pay award or not, and if not, whether you would be willing to take part in industrial action to pursue an improved pay award. 

GMB welcomes this pay award as the first step towards addressing pay across the NHS but is not making any voter recommendation in this ballot as it falls short of GMB's pay claim. 

A reject vote is your vote to state that you are not happy with the pay award and are willing to take part in industrial action.

If GMB members vote to say they are not happy with the pay award and are willing to take industrial action to pursue this further, GMB may move to a formal ballot for industrial action in your workplace. It is important to note that a large majority of GMB members would need to vote against the pay award and be willing to take part in industrial action for us to pursue an improved pay award.

This ballot is now open and closes at 12 noon on Friday 4th October 2024.

Please make sure that you include either your full name (first name and last name) or membership number when you vote.  If you do not provide details, your vote will not be counted.  If you would prefer not to give us your name with your ballot, but do not know what your membership number is, contact your local GMB office who will be able to look it up for you.


  • Do you ACCEPT or REJECT this pay award? *:

  • (If you do not have your membership number to hand, please give us your name below):
  • I understand that GMB will not record how I have voted and are only asking for my membership number or name to ensure that only eligible members have voted and that nobody can vote more than once. *: