Wandsworth Poverty Pay exposes Tory hypocrisy, says GMB

"Conservatives are happy to use the London Living wage to score points when in opposition but completely unwilling to implement it when in power," says GMB Union
Poverty pay at Wandsworth Council has exposed Tory hypocrisy, says GMB Union.
The local authority – under Conservative control - flatly refused to pay contractors the recognised London Real Living Wage.
Many workers, for example those providing transport for children with special educational needs, are left earning almost £2 below the rate.
Meanwhile the opposition Conservative group in neighbouring Kingston have attempted to score political points by criticising the ruling Liberal Democrat group claiming they are not paying all contractors the London Living Wage.
When he was London Mayor, Boris Johnson argued paying the rate made ‘economic sense’ - a point that seems to have been completely missed by Wandsworth Council.
Mick Butler, GMB Regional Organiser, said: “Frankly, it’s a kick in the teeth to our members who provide the essential services in the borough.
"It just shows the Conservatives for what they are; happy to use the London Living wage to score points when in opposition but completely unwilling to implement it when in power.
“We have members on Council contracts on less than £9 an hour, and the council’s view when they have sought pay rises has been frankly contemptuous.
“GMB calls on Wandsworth Council to address this immediately, to take a stand against their own poverty wages and take the advice of their colleagues in the neighbouring authority and even their own Prime Minister.”
Media enquiries: GMB Press Office on 07958 156846 or at press.office@gmb.org.uk