Unions agree to suspend industrial action as Frimley Health Trust agree to stop the WOS

“The first step now is to work together to find the right alternative which will see an outcome deliver both our joint Union’s membership’s non-negotiable resolve to remain NHS workers”, says GMB Southern
GMB Union and Unite have agreed to suspend 3 days of industrial strike action after Frimley Health Foundation Trust (FHFT) agreed to stop all plans to set up a Wholly Owned Subsidiary whilst exploring all other options as alternatives to privatisation.
GMB and Unite unions members have agreed to suspend their strike actions as facilitated ACAS negotiations produced a framework agreement to work together to seek and understand alternatives to the current WOS proposal favoured by FHFT.
The talks which begin in January will see all 3 trade unions GMB, Unite and Unison involved in the dispute, meeting weekly with the Trust to go through and examine in detail business cases and suggestions around all options which might be available in delivering savings required as a result of the financial challenges the Trust face in the current climate, whilst it is hoped, allowing over 1000 non clinical front line staff to remain fully within and employed by the NHS.
Asia Allison GMB Regional Organiser said: “We are now back at the beginning with this agreement which sees our members red line of the Trust stopping plans to set up a WOS.
“The first step now is to work together to find the right alternative, which will see an outcome deliver both our joint Unions Membership non-negotiable resolve to remain NHS workers and the Trusts needs to reduce the pressure from on-going financial restraints and deficits they find themselves with.
“That alternative to WOS is there I’m sure we just all need to want to find it.”
Debbie Watson, Unite regional coordinating officer said: “Our members have suspended industrial action so that we can explore all the avenues going forward in the New Year.”
"Unite will be strongly making the case that the wholly own subsidiary proposal is not the best one for the trust, its patients and the staff. We will be working constructively to make the argument that retaining services ‘in house’ remains the most attractive option for the NHS in the years ahead.”
Contact: Asia Allison 07813 541930 or Gary Palmer 07552 165950 or GMB Southern Press Office 07970 114762