Three new employers in Avery equal pay claim

GMB’s lawyers, Leigh Day, have added Rotherwood Healthcare, Bowood Care Homes and Avery Homes (Lucas Court) to the ongoing legal proceedings in the High Court to win equal pay for 73 members employed in female dominated, predominately caring roles.
GMB consider that these members are employed to carry out equal work to that carried out by men employed by Avery whose terms and conditions are more favourable than those of these members. Avery Homes is part of Avery Healthcare Group which runs 44 care homes in Staffordshire (7), Northamptonshire (6), Birmingham (4), Kent (2), Nottingham (2), Surrey (2), West Yorkshire (2), and one care home in each area of Cheshire, Coventry, Derby, Hampshire, Harrow, Hertfordshire, Leicestershire, Lincolnshire, Manchester, Milton Keynes, North Yorkshire, Somerset, Stoke-on-Trent, Stratford-upon-Avon, Tyne & Wear, Warwickshire, Wiltshire, Wimbledon and Wolverhampton. Rotherwood Healthcare runs 6 homes in Hereford (3), Shropshire (2) and Worcestershire. Bowood Care Homes Ltd and Avery (Lucas Court) operate one care home each in Worcestershire and Southampton respectively.
Justin Bowden, GMB national secretary, said “As the latest step in GMB’s campaign to make Avery Homes pay their staff fairly, rather than paying most of them less because they are women, we have instructed our lawyers Leigh Day to add Rotherwood Healthcare, Bowood Care Homes and Avery Homes to the High Court legal proceedings. Despite their pivotal role caring for residents, Avery Healthcare has paid female workers substantially less than their male counterparts for years. The fact that female workers have ended up worse off simply because of their gender is not only an outrage in the 21st century but against the law and GMB intends to make sure that these workers get what they deserve. Every one of the 2,000 plus women Avery Healthcare, Rotherwood Healthcare, Bowood Care employs may have a claim for hundreds or thousands of pounds of compensation going back up to 6 years. GMB is appealing to all current and former employees to come forward so we can assess if they may be entitled to compensation.”
Chris Benson, acting for the GMB legal team, said “Female members of GMB working as carers for local authorities have secured equal pay with the support of the Union. Many also received back pay as well as better terms and conditions going forward. Those care staff compared themselves against jobs done by men such as caretakers and other male dominated roles. Carers working for Avery believe they are also underpaid and with the assistance of GMB have issued claims to ensure they too receive equal pay. The claims, which go back up to 6 years, could see members recover thousands of pounds in back pay they have been denied. GMB will also be working to negotiate better terms and conditions and hope Avery sit down and negotiate a proper wage for the female carers equal to that received by male caretakers who work in the same care homes. The carers provide an invaluable service looking after vulnerable individuals who most need our support and assistance. It is only right those carrying out such work are properly rewarded and not underpaid because of their gender.”