Strike on 20th April at SE London school over jobs cuts

On Thursday 20th April, GMB and NUT members at Plumstead Manor School are taking strike action over jobs cuts.
Plumstead Manor is a Secondary School in L.B.Greenwich. Two years ago, Plumstead Manor had a re-organisation with the loss of 44 jobs. Now in 2017, 29 support staff jobs are again at risk. This makes a total reduction of 35% of all support staff in the school.
Clive Smith, GMB Regional Organiser, said, “We met with two councillors and advised them that the council can either give a cash injection or a centrally funded cash injection to the SEN department. They have not responded. What the school needs is time. This injection would give them time. The proposed cuts to staffing would cause workload issues and a reduction to the quality of teaching in the school.
Instead, Plumstead Manor are proposing devastating cuts to the levels of support staff, on top of a set of redundancies made two years ago. Some staff will also face pay cuts and everyone at the school with have a massively increased workload, leading to more stress.
We don’t believe this is the only option available to the school. We think it is time to rethink these proposals and work more closely with the Local Authority and the Trade Unions to come up with better ideas.
The school management isn’t listening and our members feel they have no choice but to take strike action: in defence of their jobs, in defence of their standard of living but mostly in defence of the pupils education.”
Contact: Clive Smith on 07802958554