Sign our petition against Brighton and Hove councils drastic cuts to children’s services

Brighton and Hove City Council are to make drastic cuts of £640,000 to early help services for the most vulnerable families.
The Labour led Council in Brighton and Hove have put forward budget proposals which includes cuts to council funding over double that the Government is imposing from direct grant reduction.
Whilst there is nothing we can do about the Government cutting £160,000 from grants to these services, we are calling for Councillors to withdraw their additional £480,000 of proposed savings to this area of Childrens services.
Warren Morgan, Leader of Brighton Hove City Council has stated that he and his Labour colleagues will protect front line services and get the basics right but these budget proposals cut right across those alleged aims.
The teams affected by these proposals will face a reduction of 20 staff, predominantly female, that currently work successfully to resolve issues within families that have multiple and complex needs. These include parenting work to help prevent children entering care, along with regular 1 to 1 and group work programmes aimed at reducing domestic abuse, drug and alcohol and mental health needs.
In the short, medium and long term, these cuts will not present a saving but will lead to increased financial costs to the Council and a huge human cost to families and our community.
You can read more about our view on the proposals here;
Brighton and Hove City Council budget proposals for Early Help Services
Please sign our petition below and encourage your friends, families and work colleagues to do the same. Also write to your MPs and Brighton and Hove Councillors