Paramedic cleared of misconduct

The Health & Care Professions Council has cleared a paramedic of all allegations of misconduct
The Paramedic, who is a GMB member and wishes to remain anonymous, was hauled before the HCPC in respect of an allegation surrounding his treatment of a patient in June 2015.
There were no issues with the paramedic’s treatment of the patient at the time. In fact, the family of the patient had thanked the paramedic for all his assistance. However, in an unusual turn of events, a colleague who had not seen or treated the patient later raised a complaint to the HCPC about the paramedic’s conduct.
Following a 2 day hearing, the HCPC held that the paramedic had committed no misconduct and that his fitness to practice was not impaired. The HCPC also ruled that the paramedic’s competence was not in question, as highlighted by all the positive references provided by senior professional colleagues, past and present.
Following the ruling the paramedic said, “The HCPC process has been one of the most stressful experiences of my life. It was horrible but, having come out the other end, I now feel relieved and reassured that I did a good job and that I am a competent practitioner.
The colleague who reported me no longer works for the company but what happened to me highlights just how vulnerable those in the medical profession are and I can’t thank GMB enough for all their support.
GMB representatives came with me to the HCPC hearing and their lawyers were top notch – they really knew their stuff. I’m now telling everyone about the importance of being in a union and telling everyone to join GMB.”
Jason Dicker, Branch Secretary for GMB Southern Region, welcomed the ruling saying, “There was never any doubt that this would be the outcome of the HCPC hearing. However, it is still very worrying going through a process like this and I am pleased that GMB were able to support this member.”
Rachel Verdin, Regional Organiser, GMB Southern Region commented saying, “The HCPC has an important role in regulating paramedics and protecting the public. However, the process is daunting and it’s important for GMB members to know that you are not alone – GMB membership includes representation before professional bodies.”
The HCPC regulates health and care professionals and seeks to set and maintain standards regarding training, professional skills, behaviour and fitness to practise. Referrals to the HCPC can range from anything from competence to conduct. HCPC hearings can result in, for example, cautions, suspension, conditions being imposed or, worst case scenario, strike-off. If you have been invited to a hearing before a regulatory body, please contact your local GMB representative without delay.
Contact: Rachel Verdin on 07931 796 733 or