GMB slams Lambeth headteachers’ plan for mass restructure with potential job losses at 20 schools
School staff have risked their lives every day of the pandemic and their reward is the threat of redundancy, says GMB Union
School staff have risked their lives every day of the pandemic and their reward is the threat of redundancy, says GMB Union
"We expect the Epsom and St Helier NHS to do the right thing and pay these hard working staff the money they are owed today", say GMB union
Fire and rehire plan main obstacle to a deal – British Gas must remove it if we are to progress, says GMB Union
Government’s appalling lack of strategy for social care has left care of the most vulnerable in uncertain futures, says GMB Union
Marley Tiles’ boss ‘drover car at workers’ during lawful strike says GMB Union
"Effectively this is the Council Leaders sticking two fingers up to their staff whilst they struggle to pay their bills", say GMB Union