National NHS March on Saturday 4th March

GMB is calling for our members to support the National NHS march called for Saturday 4th March 2017.
Where? The march begins at Tavistock Square, GMB will be gathering on the Endsleigh Street side next to Connaught Hall (Tavistock Square will be on your left hand side). Look out for blue and white GMB NHS flags. The march will proceed to Parliament Square.
When? Saturday 4th March 2017. The march will move off at 12pm so we are calling for members to gather from 11am.
This demonstration could not have come at a more important time, when so much is at stake for the future of our NHS.
The NHS is experiencing the sharpest and most prolonged squeeze in its history.
Billions of pounds of government cut-backs have brought our National Health Service to breaking point. While the head of the British Red Cross has warned that the NHS is facing a “humanitarian crisis” as a result of these cuts; the Prime Minister has attempted to scapegoat healthcare professionals. NHS staff need our support.
Therefore, GMB is supporting the march in order to demand:
- An end to cut backs and systematic underfunding of the NHS and social care
- No closures of hospitals or A&E departments
- No privatisation of the NHS
- Support for NHS Staff
GMB also calls upon Government to ensure:
- The end of pay restraints for NHS staff
- A commitment to a fully-funded publicly owned National Health and Social Care Service that recognises and supports staff.
Please join the march and stand in solidarity with all NHS staff. If you have any queries please feel free to get in touch with me on 0208 397 8881 or