Local Government Pay Update

Pay increase for staff in local government and most academies & schools delayed
Although GMB members voted 9 to 1, in a secret postal ballot of all members, to accept the two year pay offer, there will now be an indefinite delay on implementation of the pay rise. This is because Unison wants to ballot their members to take all out strike action.
As a result, the national Employers cannot implement the pay rise which is due on 1st April.
It also means that the start of talks on one of GMB’s key elements from the pay offer, a review of term time working, will also be put on hold whilst pay is “unresolved”.
Unite meet on 21st April to decide whether or not to ballot their members to take industrial action.
GMB respects the right of Unison members to ballot for strike action. However GMB members voted by 9 to 1 to accept the offer and GMB will continue to respect your clear wishes and try to get your pay rise paid.
(Please note: The Employers will have to make the NLW increases this month to those affected. Unfortunately, all other pay increases will be on hold).