Join GMB at LGBTI Pride events across the region this summer

GMB Southern region Shout! will be attending all prides taking place in the region this year.
The rain held off on Saturday at Portsmouth pride and it was a great community event which has grown hugely in the last 2 years. Portsmouth pride kicked off a summer of events supporting LGBTI people.
We are particularly excited about our plans for Brighton Pride where we will have an open top bus and a great display in GMB colours.
If you would like to join us on the parade or help run a stall for the following Prides then please get in touch with Paul Sony who leads our Shout network at or 07419 981543
London Pride – Saturday 25th June – Meet 11am – Baker Street (you need to register in advance or bring your membership card to be given a wristband)
Bournemouth Pride – Saturday 9th July – for more details contact Paul Sony
Brighton Trans Pride – Saturday 30th July – for more details contact Paul Sony
Brighton Pride – Saturday 6th August – Assemble 10am at Hove Lawns – GMB have fantastic plans this year for Pride in Brighton. We welcome as many members as possible joining us. We would like to see everyone dress in GMB colours – black and orange. We are asking everyone to wear GMB t-shirts on the parade.
To take part (and to order your t-shirt) please contact Michelle Gordon 0208 397 8881 or We are looking for volunteers for wheel stewards, if you volunteer for this you will get your ticket for the festival free.
Please remember that if you want to attend the event in Preston Park after the parade you will need to buy tickets.
Swindon pride – Saturday 20th August – for more details contact Paul Sony
Reading Pride – Saturday 3rd September – for more details contact Paul Sony