Information for GMB members on voting in the Labour leadership election

Many members have been getting in touch asking about how they can vote in the Labour leadership election.
- If you have been a GMB member since 12 January and have continued to pay your union subs since then
- If you have not opted out of the unions political fund
You should be eligible to vote. You will be required to sign a statement which states that you support the aims and values of the Labour Party and confirms that you are not a supporter of any other political party.
You must register as an affiliated supporter by noon on 8th August here:
This is the best way to ensure you are registered on time.
However if you are unable to do this online you can also download the form below, fill it in and return it to Freepost GMB. This needs to be with us by the 6th August for processing.
There is more information including a message from GMB General Secretary Tim Roache here:
If you have any questions at all please contact Michelle Gordon on 0208 397 8881 or