GMB writing to HMRC to enquire whether tax and National Insurance deducted by payroll company Payzequra on behalf of Allied Care has actually been paid

GMB are writing to HMRC to enquire whether tax and National Insurance deducted by payroll company, Payzequra, on behalf of Allied Care has actually been paid
GMB is taking action as members have raised concerns around potential unpaid tax and national insurance contributions by their care home employer.
GMB also intend to contact Allied Care, who provide nursing, residential and supported living homes across numerous locations in the South and South East, to investigate further.
In addition to this, many staff are also finding out that they may not in fact work for who they thought they did, and that they may well have been transferred, or TUPE’d to any number of employers since as far back 2013/14 without their knowledge or consultation.
Gary Palmer GMB Regional Organiser said, “The more we speak to our members, the more confusing the whole situation or misunderstanding looks. It appears that staff may well have been transferred to various further company’s by Allied Care, even though they remain working at Allied Care homes. This has been done without their knowledge, consultation or agreement. Their pay, which is being organised, we believe, by another company Payzequra, on behalf of a variety of employers has potentially not forwarded tax and NI deductions, either at all or in a timely fashion.
“Staff right now have said it pretty much feels like being involved in a shell game, in that although they may go to work in or at a number of locations day in day out, you can’t be quite sure who owns what or employs who at the minute, and Its really unnerving for everyone involved.
“We intend now to contact all GMB members across Allied Care to find out just how many may have had problems with tax and /or National Insurance deductions and to suggest that they consider checking their contracts to ensure they are actually still working for who they think they are in the first place.
“If it turns out that they have moved employer we will be asking Allied Care if that change of employer was in fact either a business or service provision transfers, and if so was it consulted on with employees for the purposes of the Transfer of Undertakings (Protection of Employment) Regulations 2006 as amended by the Collective Redundancies and Transfer of Undertakings (Protection of Employment) (Amendment) Regulations 2014.
“Sometimes you just get the feeling that something is just not right and further issues are yet to emerge, so as well as speaking to staff GMB will be looking to contact local authority’s to seek clarification on just who they think they are dealing with and that if they are placing residents in Allied Care registered homes, that employees are being treated fairly and lawfully. ”
Contact: Gary Palmer on 07552 165 950