GMB welcomes the exit of Terence Herbert Chief Executive of Wiltshire Council

GMB, the union for Wiltshire Council staff, recently welcomed the judgement from Bristol Employment Tribunal issued on 27 March 2024 that an email sent by council Chief Executive Terence Herbert broke industrial relations law back in November 2022.
Mr Herbert has today announced his departure to take on a new role as Chief Executive of Surrey Council.
David McMullen, GMB Regional Organiser said:
“We hope now that Mr Herbert has announced his departure that we can work more constructively with his successor in resolving the dispute that have seen social workers and traffic wardens take long running strike action. The strike action was in reaction to the threat staff would lose thousands of pounds.
“The council has pled poverty on one hand but proudly announces its one of the richest and most successful councils in the country with the other.
"Then wastes thousands defending a legal claim they were told they would lose. We hope Mr Herbert will spend taxpayers money more wisely in Surrey than he did in Wiltshire'