GMB welcomes Ramsgate street lights being switched back on

GMB welcomes Kent County Council’s decision to switch the street lights back on.
In recent weeks there have been a number of sexual attacks and a rape in Ramsgate in what would ordinarily have been well lit streets says GMB Southern.
GMB welcome the decision by Kent County Council to turn back on the street lights in Ramsgate, starting on the 5th December 2016 after residents have shown concern over their streets being plunged into darkness. (See notes to editors for residents comments)
GMB have long campaigned for councils to reverse their decisions to turn off street lights in residential areas at night in a bid to save money and putting residents and road users in unnecessary danger.
Karen Constantine said “GMB welcome the decision by Kent County Council to turn back on the street lights in Ramsgate in the next 3 weeks after a period of two years where they were turned off to save money. In recent weeks there have been a number of sexual attacks and a rape in Ramsgate in what would ordinarily have been well lit streets.
After further investigation it seems no-one within the county council actually knew which lights were on or off and that Ramsgate would be among the last county towns to be retro fitted with LED’s and until then the streets would remain in darkness.
Ramsgate has an appalling record in securing convictions on rape and sexual assault charges. That the lights were off throughout the night should never have happened as it arguably created more risk. Apart from this being ‘common sense’ there was a failure to conduct an ‘equality impact assessment.'”
Contact: Karen Constantine on 07984 532212, Michelle Gordon on 07866 369259
Notes to editors
1 Karen Constantine is the Labour Party candidate for the Ramsgate ward for the 2017 Kent County Council elections.
2 Comments from residents over street lighting being turned off
“On the front in Broadstairs last night there were areas where there were no lights at all and it was difficult to find my car after the cinema. There was a CCTV surveillance camera above but useless if couldn’t film in the dark.”
“My parents have felt the need to teach me self defence as I often have to walk alone in the dark. It shouldn’t be that way. I shouldn’t have to be so scared and nor should my parents that I have to be TAUGHT methods of self defence”
“I work night shifts 5 minutes from my house finishing at 3 am and that short walk home is the most terrifying walk of my life so I’d really appreciate them to turn them back on even if at periodic times”