GMB welcome ADASS care report

GMB, the union for care workers, has called on the government to increase funding for care to pay for a £1bn shortfall following a report from the Association of Directors of Adult Social Services (ADASS).
The report surveyed 151 social care directors and found that increases in council tax had failed to plug the gap in care funding and that councils would be forced to cover the shortfall with cuts to services.
Rehana Azam, GMB National Secretary, said “The mark of a civilised society is the way our elderly are treated and looked after. In this country social care is not just in crisis but it is completely falling apart. There is now clear evidence that the government has not adequately funded our elderly social care needs. The time has come to act. GMB is calling on incoming Prime Minister Theresa May to make a priority pledge that this will be addressed as a matter of urgency.
We are now in a potentially disastrous situation that is only going to get worse without increased funding from the government. There are homes closing and beds going out of the system, particularly in places like the north of England, where councils pay the least per week for residents. It is clear that the revenue raised from the council tax precept will not be enough to stop care homes going bust.
George Osborne passed the buck to local authorities in the 2015 Spending Review rather than face up to the fact that the government itself has the responsibility to fund the care of the elderly and other vulnerable adults. They have to face the responsibility that their plan for social care has not worked and that it is essential that they adequately fund the care sector before it collapses.”