GMB to protest unpaid wages for Sussex Ambulance workers

GMB, the union for staff at outsourced Sussex ambulance service staff, are to protest outside the surgeries of doctors on the Sussex Clinical Commissioning Group after wages have not been paid on the patient transport services they outsourced last April. See notes to editors for copy of GMB press releases.
The outsourced contractors for the Patient Transport Service in Sussex are Coperforma and the sub contractors Docklands Medical Services. GMB will be seeking winding up orders for the unpaid wages of GMB members.
The first protest will be held on Wednesday 14th September from 11.30 am outside the surgery of the chair of the Brighton and Hove CCG, Dr Xavier Nalletamby, at the address below. This will be followed by a presentation of the hardship payments to GMB members at the TUC conference at the Brighton conference centre.
St Peter’s Medical Centre
30-36 Oxford Street
Paul Maloney, GMB regional secretary, said “The doctors who made the decision to outsource the service have to accept responsibility for the failure of the contract to pay the wages of the staff and keep the ambulances in fuel.
GMB will protest outside each of the surgeries of the doctors who made the decision that has led to these NHS staff not being paid. GMB will also seek winding up orders in court against all of the companies involved. In the meantime GMB will provide hardship payments to the members to enable them to buy food for their families.”