GMB to join “Heart Unions” week against the Trade Union Bill

GMB will be joining a week of action on 8th to 14th February 2016 against the trade union bill.
The Trade Union Bill will shift the balance of power even further in favour of employers making it much harder for ordinary workers to stand up to their bosses says GMB
GMB is supporting a week of action from 8th to 14th February organized by TUC and all affiliated unions against the Trade Union Bill which threatens the basic right to strike.
If the Trade Union Bill, now being debated in the House of Lords, becomes law it will impact as follows:
- Employers will be able for the first time to break strikes by bringing in agency workers to cover for strikers. This could have big safety implications, lead to worse public services, and will undermine the right to strike.
- There will be huge restrictions on peaceful picketing and protests. The lead person on a picket will have to give their name to the police – raising concerns about blacklisting and victimisation.
- There are attacks on union representatives in the public sector.
- There are restrictions on how unions collect and spend their money
- This is a lot more unnecessary red tape.
- All of it taken together fundamentally undermines the right to strike.
The week of action is called “heartunions” will showcase the vital work unions do – and tell the wider public why the Trade Union Bill threatens it.
On Tuesday 9 February GMB branches will organize meeting and protest across the country. On Thursday 11 February they will join with branches of other unions to do something to make trade unions visible and proud in the community. GMB will press release details of the events nearer the week of action.
GMB is also calling on members to sign the petition against the Bill at
Paul Kenny, GMB General Secretary, said “This government is determined to get the Trade Union Bill through Parliament with as little scrutiny as possible. We must not let them get away with it.
During the week GMB branches will organize meeting and protest across the country and they will join with branches of other unions to do something to make trade unions visible and proud in the community.
If this bill passes, the right to strike will be under threat. That’ll shift the balance of power at work even further in favour of employers. Ordinary workers will find it much harder to stand up to their bosses – even when it’s clear that an employer is being unfair and unreasonable. And that’ll mean worse pay and conditions for everyone, and staff afraid to raise concerns about service cuts and safety.
Threatening the right to strike and to organise has no place in a modern democracy. So let’s show the government and the House of Lords that we are a modern, vibrant movement, and if they attack us, we’ll respond by growing stronger.”
Contact: Brian Strutton 07860 606137 or Lisa Johnson 07900 329228 or Maria Ludkin on 07956 632657 or Kamaljeet Jandu 07956 237 178 or Rehana Azam, on 07841 181656 or Justin Bowden on 07710 631351 or GMB press office 07974 251 823 or 07921 289880.