GMB to hold Demo calling on Premium Support Services to pay members their wages and to adhere to TUPE Regulations

GMB, the union for cleaning staff, will rally outside the headquarters of Premium Support Services Limited tomorrow, calling for them to pay their staff correctly following the transfer of the John Lewis at Bluewater cleaning contract to them on 12th September.
The details for the demonstration are as follows.
Tuesday 20th November
11:30 AM
Outside 7 Waterside Court
Galleon Boulevard
Crossways Business Park
The GMB is calling on the company to rectify the following:
- A failure to consult during the transfer from the old employer to the new employer as required by the TUPE regulations.
- Issuing of new contracts and attempts to cut hours straight after a TUPE transfer without consultation
- Targeting staff under the Right To Work even though their status was set with the previous employer, including refusing them work and deducting their wages.
- Verbal abuse of the staff
Nick Day, GMB Membership Development Officer said “We are strongly urging Premium Support Services to uphold all of its obligations under employment law regarding TUPE and to make sure that no member of staff is discriminated against when they have already established their legal right to work.
The GMB would also like to make it clear to John Lewis that the cleaners contribute greatly to the image and presentation of their store at Bluewater. We urge them to make sure Premium Support Services do not attempt to tear up our members terms and conditions. If they will not do that then they should look again at who provides the cleaning contract.”
Contact: Pat Murphy 07545 893160 or Nick Day 07717 510047