GMB to consult on pay offer for local government and schools staff

GMB is to commence briefings and consultation on the 2016-2018 pay offer for all local government and schools staff.
Following the Local Government Employers’ pay offer in December to council and schools staff for 2016-18, GMB and the other Unions made one last attempt for further negotiations. The Local Government Employers declined, confirming they had made their final offer on pay.
In the meantime, the Employers also made final pay offers for Craft Workers and Chief Officers.
With final offers on the table for all three bargaining groups, it is time now for GMB members to have your say.
This offer is worth 2.4% on the paybill (over two years) and involves a 1% increase for most people in 2016 and again in 2017, with higher amounts for the lowest paid – (over 2 years, staff on spinal points 17 and below will receive between between 2.41% and 10%).
The proposed pay scales are attached.
GMB members must now decide to accept or reject the offer. This is your chance to have your say on yourpay.
GMB’s National Lay Reps met to consider the Employers’ offer earlier this month. Made up of Reps from all GMB Regions, the National Lay Reps are an integral part of GMB’s democratic process, providing feedback from their Regions and deciding GMB’s response to the pay offer.
Although they would have preferred more, the GMB National Lay Reps concluded that the pay offer is the best that can be achieved from negotiations. GMB National Lay Reps also advise that if you wish to vote to reject the pay offer, you must be prepared to support sustained strike action as in their view this would be the only chance of getting the Employers to improve the offer.
The first stage in the consultation of GMB members will be briefings about the offer. If you would like a briefing, please contact your local branch or GMB Region.
The second stage will be a ballot of all members opening on Monday, 29th February and closing on Monday, 14thMarch. GMB believes strongly in you having your say. To assist members to participate, GMB will carry out a fully postal, secret ballot as we believe in investing in GMB members’ democracy.
Please let me know if I can be of assistance. Above all make sure you use your vote. It’s your pay, so have your say.
Best Wishes
Justin Bowden
National Officer – Public Services Section