GMB fully supporting second national day of protest, calling for 15% pay rise for all NHS workers

"They remain there for you! How about being there for them? Join GMB and NHS workers on Saturday 12th September at a NHS rally near you," says GMB Union
GMB, the union for NHS workers, are once again supporting a national day of protest marches and rallies across the country. The union, which has been at the forefront of the fight for fair pay for all workers in the NHS, are supporting our hard working NHS staff as they try to convince an uncaring Government that they deserve a 15% pay rise.
The protests on Saturday 12th September, which will be peaceful and socially distanced, include:
- Brighton & Hove - Hove Lawns (opposite Grand Avenue)
- Bournemouth - The Square
- London - BBC New Broadcasting House
GMB NHS members are angry that they were left out of the recent public sector pay deal and are at least 20% worse off in real terms than they were 10 years ago. They have seen the sector so squeezed, under resourced and badly treated that there remain around 100,000 vacancies in the NHS, so low is the morale among workers.
Platitudes and clapping are being offered by an ungrateful government in place of decent pay or improvements on terms and conditions; all for a workforce that has proven itself as reliable and caring time and time again, even before all their heroics during the ongoing Covid crisis.
NHS workers have paid a huge COVID cost. Many of their colleagues have lost their lives, yet they remain ignored when it comes time for the care bill to be settled, which GMB of course expects to be used as evidence for further austerity and cuts by this government.
Kelly Robbins, Nurse and GMB Activist, said: “We are feeling overworked and exhausted as many of us were forced to work longer hours, tougher hours, staying away from our families for weeks at a time, fighting an ever-evolving situation with inadequate PPE, but fought on we did.
“Whilst seeing one of the highest healthcare worker death rates in the world from Covid-19, we accepted the risk, determined to do what’s best for our patients and the country.
“Ministers have been happy to ‘clap for the NHS’ but have failed to deliver real signs of appreciation for NHS workers – excluding many from a well-deserved pay rise and resulting in yet another real-terms cut.
“The Government have easily forgotten and abandoned the very same people that have saved their lives.”
Gary Palmer, GMB Regional Organiser, said: “GMB were clear that the 15% only begins to address the last decade of pay freezes and enforced pay caps, ending in the recent disastrous 3 year deal which ends in April which saw long serving NHS staff pay increases below the cost of living.
“Frankly our members have told us enough is enough, and that although the support was welcomed the ‘Praise, Clapping, and Kind Words’ aren’t exchangeable in the shops for food or bills and rent or mortgage payments.
“Risking your life and that of your family members to care for all those unfortunate enough to get sick throughout this the pandemic wasn’t enough for this government. They don’t appear to be considering bringing any pay rise forward as a thank you, before even taking into account just how much they have lost in real terms over the last 10 years.
“This is clearly now a straight battle between a worthless government and a priceless workforce, with the GMB backing the NHS workers all the way.
“They remain there for you! How about being there for them? Join GMB and NHS workers on Saturday 12th September at a NHS rally near you!”
Contact: Gary Palmer on 07552165950
Previous GMB Press Releases:
GMB Southern supporting demos for an NHS pay rise – 1st September 2020
GMB calls for a real term pay increase for healthcare workers – 28th August 2020
GMB supporting Brighton demo for fair pay for nurses – 31st July 2020