GMB: Stay in EU to campaign for Social Europe

EU referendum will be biggest decision in a generation for GMB members and their families.
The vote is about our future, about a vision of what a social Europe can bring, so it’s time to be positive about the benefits to our economy, jobs and our environment says GMB
The GMB Central Executive Council meeting on 9th February considered the progress in the renegotiation of the UK membership of the European Union and the forthcoming referendum on 23rd June and agreed to issue a statement on the GMB position.
Tim Roache, GMB General Secretary, said “A vote on whether the UK should remain a member of the European Union or not is rushing towards us and is the biggest decision in a generation for GMB members and their families.
This is a massive moment which could dramatically change the lives of working people and their families for generations to come.
Have no doubt this vote matters, it matters a lot.
One of the worst kept secrets is that the EU needs reform. The vision of a social Europe raising living standards and building the economies of new member states has lost its way. In truth it has been diverted by business interests over working families.
The exploitation of people desperate for a better life has been growing in recent years. Undercutting wage rates and denying local people jobs has become the visible signs of this corporate exploitation. It’s wrong, it’s outrageous and it is completely stoppable. Not by voting to leave the EU, but by demanding a return to that vision of a social Europe.
Does anybody actually believe that the European laws on things like maternity and parental leave, health and safety protections, equal rights for part time workers, TUPE ,paid holidays and so much more would be protected by the Conservatives, UKIP or any of their fellow travellers? Dream on if you do.
This crucial vote should not be about a protest or to save David Cameron’s skin but about our future, your future. During the referendum campaign we will all be bombarded with opinions, statistics, misinformation, the media telling you how to think and plain old fashioned lies and prejudice.
GMB will be honest and informative throughout the process. GMB will not seek or promote any argument that pitches worker against worker. This coming vote is about our future, about a vision of what a social Europe can bring.
It’s time to be positive about the benefits to our economy, jobs and our environment.
The closeness of the polls must be the wakeup call for those in Westminster and Brussels that the British people are serious about change and change for the better but the harsh straight fact is that we cannot get that change by voting to leave the EU.
To enable the union to get our very specific messages across our campaign will not be allied with any of the ‘remain’ organisations.”