GMB statement on Wilko consultation

GMB, the union for Wilko workers, has issued a statement after meeting with company bosses.
Wilko, which has 400 stores across the UK, has announced a shake-up which could lead to thousands of redundancies.
The company’s pre-tax fell 80% to £5.1 million in the year up to 28 January.
GMB met with Wilko bosses at the company’s headquarters in Worksop on Monday 14 July.
Gary Carter, GMB National Officer, said, “This was the first of many discussions we will have with the company during the 60 day consultation.
“We will be having further, difficult conversations during the process.
“We’ve had people on the phone to us in tears – people who have been with the company 20 or 30 years.
“We all want to see Wilko as thriving, sustainable business with a long term future.
“It is vital GMB helps the company keep any job losses to an absolute minimum.
“It is important to ensure adequate staffing levels in their stores to maintain an acceptable level of customer service – and to make sure Wilko staff are paid the living wage.
“We are encouraging Wilko to look at alternative ways to save money, which protect existing job roles.
“It’s a hazy picture at the moment, but we will be looking at each store individually with Wilko.
“There are going to be redundancies, but we are very confident these can be reduced significantly from the thousands initially feared.”
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