GMB Southern to attend TUC rally for 'A New Deal For Working People' on 12 May

GMB are set to attend the TUC march and rally for ‘A New Deal For Working People’ on Saturday 12th May. “It’s time the government stopped supporting fat cat employers and the gig economy against the best interests of hard working GMB members in health, education and other sectors”, says GMB Southern
GMB are supporting the TUC's national march and rally for ‘a new deal for working people’ as part of its TUC Great Jobs Agenda campaign this Saturday 12 May.
TUC created the Great Jobs Agenda to give the trade union movement a common set of bargaining asks in workplaces. They include; be paid fairly, work in a safe and healthy environment, be treated decently, have regular hours, get a voice on what matters at work, and have the chance to get on in life.
GMB Southern are encouraging all members to attend the march and rally. Details of the event are as follows:
Saturday 12 May 2018
GMB members will be assembling at 11am, Zone 3A and 3B on the Embankment (Adjacent to Savoy Street) London WC2R 0DA
Moving at 12noon to Hyde Park
Speakers include Frances O’Grady, Jeremy Corbyn and Tim Roache
Finishing at 4pm
Paul Maloney, GMB Regional Secretary said: "GMB Southern region will play a major role in this TUC event. Since 2007 our members in the public sector saw their standards of living fall by over 10%. There has been a massive increase in zero hour contracts and precarious employment. With the cost of living surpassing earnings, our members in the whole economy are getting deeper in debt while working longer unpaid hours. Pension provision is virtually non-existent as is sick pay. It’s time the government stopped supporting fat cat employers and the gig economy against the best interests of hard working GMB members in health, education and other sectors."
Contact: Michelle Gordon 07866 369 259 or GMB Southern Press Office 07970 114 762