GMB Southern support petition to ensure votes for residents facing regeneration

GMB Southern support Demolition Watch London campaign to ensure votes for residents on estates facing regeneration. “As many residents know, this will make or break whether ballots actually give a democratic voice to council estate residents,” says GMB Southern
GMB is supporting the latest Demolition Watch London petition to City Hall on Sadiq Khans' ballot consultation.
Last year GMB Southern joined council estate residents and housing activists campaigning to get the Mayor of London, Sadiq Khan, to give those under threat of 'regeneration' a ballot on whether they agreed to have their homes demolished.
Paul Maloney, GMB Regional Secretary said: "Sadiq Khan has now agreed in principle, but has released a consultation paper on the process.
"As many residents know, this will make or break whether ballots actually give a democratic voice to council estate residents.
"GMB Southern support the amendments proposed by Demolition Watch London that will ensure this happens and we call on Sadiq Khan to tighten up his proposals in several ways including:
· The minimum number of homes demolished to trigger a ballot should be 10 homes.
· The decommissioning of supported housing must also be balloted.
· The ballot should be after a concrete proposal has been produced.
· Whether there is a ballot should affect Planning approval.
· All residents should have a vote.
· As the mayor committed in his manifesto, regeneration should only go ahead with majority resident support.
· Do not demolish good homes
· All residents must have final say via ballot on any regeneration/demolition plan
· Rents need to stay at council 'social' rent levels
· Right of return must be contractually enforceable
· All financial and technical information about estates to be made public
· Leaseholders must have a right to return or receive full market value of their property.
"GMB Southern support the campaign by Demolition Watch London and call on members and others to sign the petition."
Contact: GMB Southern Press Office 07970 114 762
Notes to Editors
1] Petition – Ensure votes for residents on estates facing regeneration
2] Previous GMB Press Release
GMB welcome call by Demolition Watch for mayor to honour election pledge (16 March 2017)