GMB Southern message of support to Brighton Deliveroo riders

We stand with the riders against Deliveroo, another company trying to duck its obligations and responsibilities by making its workforce ‘independent contractors’ says GMB Southern
GMB Southern region send messages of support to the Brighton Deliveroo drivers who have given 2 weeks’ notice to the company to offer more pay and more hours or face protests and strike action.
Deliveroo riders in Brighton are reported to be earning below the national minimum wage and can wait up to 4 hours before getting a job. They are currently classed as ‘independent contractors’, not workers or employees, and are not entitled to basic employment rights such as minimum wage, holiday or sick pay.
Paul Maloney, GMB Southern regional secretary, said, “We stand with the riders against Deliveroo, another company trying to duck its obligations and responsibilities by making its workforce ‘independent contractors.’
All they want is basic employment rights as are enjoyed by the majority, including the right to be paid a minimum wage, the right to sick pay and holiday pay.
I know that our colleagues at Battersea and Wandsworth Trades Union Council are committed to assist Deliveroo staff at the two company’s kitchens in Battersea from where the drivers pick up food for delivery. GMB members were at the protest yesterday 9th February outside the kitchen at Battersea Heliport as part of Love Unions week.
Companies like Deliveroo will not be allowed to operate under the radar as anger grows over bogus self employment. As well as exploitation of the workers this type of employment erodes the tax base needed to pay for public services.”
Contact: Paul Maloney on 07801 343839 or Michelle Gordon on 07866 369259