GMB Southern call on Sadiq Khan to drop support for the Nine Elms/Pimlico Bridge costing £100m that no one wants

GMB Southern region call on Sadiq Khan to drop support for the Nine Elms/Pimlico Bridge costing £100M that no one wants.
The bridge would save cyclists one minute and pedestrians seven minutes rather than using the nearby Vauxhall Bridge says GMB Southern region
GMB Southern region has called on Sadiq Khan to drop support for the Nine Elms to Pimlico bridge costing £100m which no one other than the property developers want.
This follows the recent written reply by Sadiq Khan to a question at the GLA on the bridge set out here as follows:
Nine Elms Bridge
Question No: 2017/4542
Andrew Dismore
What is the latest in plans for a pedestrian bridge at Nine Elms? Are you still opposed to the concept?
Written response from the Mayor
I am aware of concerns about this proposal being raised by some local people, particularly those living close to the proposed bridge on the northern side of the river. I support the provision of new walking and cycling bridges, including this proposal, if it can be made to work locally.
This scheme is being developed by the London Borough of Wandsworth and the Nine Elms Vauxhall Partnership, who recently conducted public engagement that aimed to understand local concerns and support the development of a number of alternative bridge locations. I hope that this leads to a proposal coming forward which can be supported by the councils and communities on both sides of the river. I have asked TfL to provide technical support to this process.”
Paul Maloney, GMB Southern region secretary, said:
“GMB Southern region is reiterating it’s call on Sadiq Khan Mayor of London to recognise that opposition to the unnecessary bridge costing £100m is widespread south of the Thames as well as in Pimlico. [See notes to editors for copy of previous GMB union press releases on this bridge.]
“As far as GMB Southern is aware these bodies and representatives are opposed to the bridge:
· Opposed by Leonie Cooper, London Assembly member for Wandsworth;
· Opposed by Tony Devenish, London Assembly member for Westminster;
· Opposed by Sian Berry, Green leader London Assembly;
· Opposed by Caroline Pidgeon, leader of Lib Dems of London Assembly,
· Opposed by Westminster Labour Group;
· Opposed by Wandsworth Labour Group;
· Opposed by Westminster Tory Party;
· Opposed by Battersea Labour Party;
· Opposed by North Battersea Alliance against the Bridge;
· Opposed by Pimlico Alliance;
· Opposed by Marsha de Cordova MP for Battersea;
· Opposed by Rosena Alin Khan MP for Tooting;
· Opposed by Ibrahim Dogus former parliamentary candidate for Westminster South;
· Opposed by Mark Field MP for Westminster South.
“GMB Southern region will now have discussions with the local Labour Party and the local councillors to get firm commitments that in the forthcoming borough elections Labour will 100% oppose this unnecessary development.
“The bridge would save cyclists one minute and pedestrians seven minutes rather than using the nearby Vauxhall Bridge.”
Contact: Paul Maloney 07801 343 839 or Michelle Gordon 07866 369 259 or Paul Grafton 07714 239 092 or GMB Press Office 07970 114762.
Notes to editors
Copy of previous GMB Southern region press releases on the issue
1) December 2015.
GMB Call On Transport For London To Abandon Plans To Spend Up To £100 Million On Unnecessary New Thames Crossing Near Vauxhall Bridge
Unlike further east in London there is no demand from local people for a new Thames river crossing on the very good grounds that there is absolutely no need for it says GMB.
GMB Southern Region is calling on Transport for London and other public authorities to abandon plans to spend up to £100m for a new Thames crossing between Nine Elms and Pimlico some 350 yards from the existing Vauxhall Bridge.
GMB is also calling for no further taxpayer’s monies to be spent on the project. GMB consider that a new Thames River crossing at this location is not needed and if funds are available they should be spent on new crossings further east of the Blackwall Tunnel.
Paul Maloney, GMB Regional Secretary, said:
“What we have here are property developers attempting to dictate that up to £100m of very scarce public money be spent on a new crossing a few minutes away from the existing Vauxhall Bridge.
Vauxhall Bridge already has two pedestrian footpaths and a two way two lane full width cycleway. Unlike further east in London there is no demand from local people for a new Thames river crossing on the very good grounds that there is absolutely no need for it.
It is a scandal that Wandsworth Council has already spent over £100,000 on this project at a time when they are cutting services and jobs and terms and conditions of employment.
Over the last three years in Wandsworth GMB has campaigned against sale of school playing fields, abandoning the meals on wheels service, closure of libraries, adventure playgrounds, OneO’clock clubs, cuts to youth provision, school crossing patrols, and against the pay to play schemes like to one in Battersea Park.
GMB call on mayoral candidates to oppose any further public spending on this vanity project being promoted by Wandsworth Tory Council and to pledge that monies saved will be put to better use.”
2) August 2017.
GMB call on Mayor to pull plug on the Nine Elms to Pimlico bridge
GMB Southern Region is calling on the Mayor and TfL to follow up pulling the plug on the Garden Bridge by also abandoning the proposed Thames crossing between Nine Elms and Pimlico promoted by Wandsworth Tory Council.
GMB Southern region has been supporting the campaign for the past 18 months calling on Transport For London to abandon plans to spend up to £100 million on an unnecessary New Thames Crossing 350 yards from Vauxhall Bridge.
Unlike further east in London there is no demand from local people for a new Thames river crossing on the very good grounds that there is absolutely no need for it.
The campaign is also calling for no further taxpayer’s monies to be spent on the project. Wandsworth Council has already given taxpayers money to this project.
The local campaign considers that a new Thames River crossing at this location is not needed and if funds are available they should be spent on new crossings further east of the Blackwall Tunnel. The official plans show that it would save cyclists 1 minute and pedestrians 7 minutes. There is widespread opposition to this use of public money on both sides of the river.
Paul Maloney, GMB Southern Regional Secretary, said:
“Wandsworth Tories are so out of touch that they backed spending up to £100m on a bridge no one wants. Their defeat last June in the general election in two local seats is linked to their being out of touch with the priorities of the local community.
“What we have here are property developers attempting to dictate that up to £100m of very scarce public money be spent on a new crossing a few minutes away from the existing Vauxhall Bridge.
“Vauxhall Bridge already has two pedestrian footpaths and a two way, two lane full width cycleway. Unlike further east in London, there is no demand from local people for a new Thames river crossing on the very good grounds that there is absolutely no need for it.
“It is a scandal that Wandsworth Council has already spent over £100,000 on this project at a time when they are cutting services and jobs and terms and conditions of employment.
“Over the last four years in Wandsworth unions has campaigned against sale of school playing fields, abandoning the meals on wheels service, closure of libraries, adventure playgrounds, OneO’clock clubs, cuts to youth provision, school crossing patrols, and against the pay to play schemes like to one in Battersea Park.
“With the demands on public money so great the Mayor and TfL must force the Tories in Wandsworth to rediscover the language of priorities and abandon this vanity project.”