GMB Southern and London Schools Conference

GMB Southern and London regions will be holding a joint conference for school support staff which will take place at the GMB national office (22 Stephenson Way, London, NW1 2HD) between 10.00 – 16:00 on Saturday 22nd April 2017.
The purpose of the conference will be to discuss the challenges and opportunities that are going to be affecting schools over the next twelve months. We will be discussing the significant cuts to school budgets and the impact of academisation and free schools. We will be looking at the numerous issues arising from safeguarding and the implementation of the PREVENT policy and how it effects members.
This conference is about getting members and reps together with a view of getting your views on what the unions priorities should be in schools over the next twelve months. We will hear from national officers on the campaign to break the pay freeze as well as local reps who have led fights against redundancies in their local schools. We will hear from politicians as to their role in helping to defend our members. Most importantly, we will hear from you as we jointly agree a programme of campaigns designed to support both the jobs and rights of our members, as well as the education system upon which 93% of children rely.
Places are limited so please fill out the form below to book a place as soon as possible. Lunch will be provided and travel expenses will be paid. If any member is going to struggle paying for a ticket in advance, please let us know as soon as possible as we may be able to assist.
Full details of the conference (including directions to the venue which is both close to Euston station and has full disabled access) will be sent out as soon as you have registered.
If anyone has any questions about this, please don’t hesitate to contact Andy Prendergast via or 0208 397 8881.