GMB Report on Institutional Sexism - Why We Must Change

"The lessons to be learnt from this report should be a catalyst for the type of change within GMB and across the movement that will be to the benefit of everyone", says Helen O'Connor in her Morning Star article.
Most GMB members will by now have seen the report which we commissioned to investigate institutional sexism within the union. This is because, having sought the report, we believe in transparency. We have emailed the report out to all our members, and made it freely available, unedited and in its entirety.
If you are yet to read the report, you can download it here and read the recommendations and some frequently asked questions.
The report has picked up a fair bit of media coverage, and we have been actively talking to various media outlets, including an article in the Morning Star written by our Regional Organiser, Helen O'Connor.
As Helen points out, this report can be a positive thing, no matter how difficult it is at times to read, as it presents an opportunity to change — not just for GMB, but for the union and wider labour movement as a whole. We as a union hope to be the first of many similar organisations to take a look at ourselves and make the long-overdue change that the movement needs and is calling for, and then look to do what we do best: tackling unscrupulous employers and fighting for our members.
As our founder, Will Thorne, famously said: "There is a world of freedom, beauty and equality to gain, where everyone will have an opportunity to express the best that is in them for the benefit of all, making the world a place more to our heart's desire and the better to dwell in." GMB Union was founded on this principal and strives to achieve it, every day.
You can read Helen's article in full at—-why-we-must-change