GMB plan to hold demo outside ISS offices on 16 July

GMB will be holding a demonstration outside ISS offices on Tuesday 16th July. We will continue to call on ISS to "Stop taking the *ISS" and treat their workforce decently, says GMB Southern.
- GMB has thousands of members working for ISS in particular on NHS contracts providing services like cleaning, catering in hospitals across the Southern region including Kingston Hospital, Queen Elizabeth Hospital, Queen Mary’s Hospital in Sidcup and the Bethlem Royal Hospital amongst others.
GMB Union will be delivering an ASBO to the company in regards to the company’s anti-social behaviour towards their staff because of the severe hardship and stress many suffered as a result of the recent ISS project green field pay cycle harmonisation, a move which left many weekly paid staff unable to afford to feed their families for weeks as ISS moved staff on to monthly pay.
The union who set up and operated a food bank for members during this desperate period are calling for ISS to fulfil their moral obligation to pay their staff within the various hospital Trusts the London Living wage, and sick pay and to take action against management within the company who choice to bully and harass staff and our members on a daily basis. [see notes to editors]
Protest details:
ISS UK Limited
- Head Office
Velocity 1, Brooklands
Brooklands Drive
KT13 0SL
From 8.15am until 10am
Gary Palmer, GMB Regional Organiser said,
"ISS are a ruthless contractor who have a long habit of recycling GMB members pay and benefits into shareholder dividends. They have recently caused hardship for tens of thousands of staff by moving a pay date just so an accountant’s spreadsheet looks slightly neater.
"It’s all good for those at the top in ISS but whilst the multibillion transnational company shareholders would have simply sat back and counted their money, our members have faced considerable hardship and fears about being able to put food on the table and pay their bills.
"It’s pretty good for incompetent management at ISS as well as they receive full benefits of the company sick pay, and then spend their days bullying and harassing staff into coming into work when they are ill, reminding them that they won’t be paid sick leave. A threat that they cannot afford to miss work regardless of the subsequent risk to vulnerable patients within the wards they then find themselves working in.
"Let’s hope ISS management have the nerve to come out to meet the GMB delegation and accept their ASBO on behalf of their staff and our members.
"GMB will continue to call on ISS to "Stop taking the *ISS" and treat their workforce decently."
Contact: Gary Palmer 07552165950 or GMB Southern Press Office on 07970 114 762
Notes to Editors
1] GMB to set up foodbank at Kingston Hospital (23 May)
2] GMB Union Organises Food Parcel Deliveries for ISS Workers as Pay Cuts Bite" (25 April 2019)

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