GMB members win pay increases after strike action at Berkshire Firm

“The members have themselves to thank for earning a massive pay rise, through their activism and commitment to going on strike”, says GMB Southern
GMB, the union for members at Forterra, have won a pay dispute for their members at the Newbury site. Following the very successful day of industrial action last Tuesday 19th March.
Management called GMB into a meeting the following day (March 20th) and offered a new deal which the members accepted, avoiding the second day of industrial action which had been scheduled. GMB members at Newbury now receive the same pay as those working at the sister site in Birmingham.
Asia Allison, GMB Regional Organiser said: "We had hit a brick wall and a breakdown in negotiations and this left us with no other option than strike action. GMB members were entirely united in solidarity throughout this dispute and this was vital in forcing management’s hand. We have smashed the ‘brick wall’ and the second day of strike was called off.
"The management capitulated after the first day of strike action and got back around the table the following day. I am delighted that the Forterra management have come to their senses and agreed to pay parity with no detriment to other terms and conditions. GMB members will see average pay increases of 12% (range of increases in 2 year period vary for different groups of employees from almost 6% to 24% ).
The detriment to overtime rates for some employees which was originally suggested has been withdrawn and overtime rates will remain the same. Three sections of employees will also see increases in overtime between 9%-16% to ensure pay parity fully applies. GMB members overwhelmingly accepted the offer and will receive a substantial 16 months back pay in April 2019."
"It is a very proud moment of being a GMB Organiser to watch my Reps and members grow in such confidence, being so empowered and fully united in this pay dispute. Hopefully, as the Forterra management have finally implemented and honoured pay parity, there will be no future problems and we can enjoy harmonious industrial relations in the future."
Contact: Asia Allison on 07740 804 044 or GMB Southern Press Office on 0758 3039451
Notes to editors
1] GMB members set to strike at Forterra's Newbury site
2] See our video from the picket line at