Wiltshire to shell out extra £1.5 million a year on agency staff since aiming to slash social worker pay
Agency social work costs rise 60 per cent to £250,000 per months in ‘bonfire of taxpayer money’, GMB Union research reveals
Agency social work costs rise 60 per cent to £250,000 per months in ‘bonfire of taxpayer money’, GMB Union research reveals
We will remain vigilant and we are still prepared to take strike action if it becomes necessary to prevent a future pay cut for these frontline workers, says GMB
GMB is totally focused on resolving this dispute. It is not in the interests of Wiltshire residents, Wiltshire council, or our members for there to be a strike if one can be avoided,…
GMB union members at St George’s Hospital were visited on the picket line by Mick Lynch
Social workers and care workers will be balloted for industrial action unless Wiltshire Council repudiates plans for ‘fire and rehire’ pay cuts, says GMB