GMB call on NHS Chief Exec to heed warning on scrapping 4-hour A&E target
“These are the front line professionals who know what they are talking about”, says GMB Southern
“These are the front line professionals who know what they are talking about”, says GMB Southern
“ISS need to face the reality that trying to gag staff supporting this GMB campaign against the two tier workforce will be called out”, says GMB Southern
GMB Southern call for government to step in on rescue deal for outsourcing contractor Interserve to safeguard 45,000 staff and services they provide from public funds. “The Government…
Government warns that private NHS profiteers could be in contempt of parliament for trying to prevent GMB members speaking to MPs
“Average earnings in Dorset and Wiltshire still lag 10.3% below real value of earnings in 2007 after inflation but recent rises in pay is a welcome development. Across the board…
“Average earnings in the South East still lag 13.6% below real value of earnings in 2007 after inflation but recent rises in pay is a welcome development. Across the board average…