GMB members at Greenwich school started 2 day strike today over scrapping of national terms and conditions

If you work at Charlton Park and get sick or injured you will have the added stress of not being able to pay your bills or your rent says GMB Southern
GMB members at Charlton Park Academy are set to join members of the NUT on strike for two days on Wednesday 19th and Thursday 20th July. This is part of an ongoing industrial dispute and follows an NUT strike on the 4th July.
The dispute started when the unions discovered that, without any consultation, the Academy had abandoned national terms and conditions for teaching and support staff. Staff were unaware that they were no longer entitled to the same sick pay as other colleagues. It only came to light after a teacher who had been injured at work received no pay after a month of absence. Other staff who worked for the school before it became an academy are protected for long term sickness for up to 6 months of the year because TUPE arrangements ensure protection for staff who convert to academy status.
Two days of talks at ACAS failed to make sufficient progress with the school not prepared to restore national terms and conditions.
Clive Smith, GMB regional organiser said:
“Staff at every other school in Greenwich Borough are covered by the NJC Green book provisions for terms and conditions. Crucially, this includes decent sick pay provisions.
“At Charlton Park new staff are only given one month’s full sick pay followed by one month at half pay.
“I don’t know of any other school anywhere that offers such a miserly amount. The pupils at Charlton Park have specialist needs and the staff there are dedicated people who care immensely for them.
“If you work at Charlton Park and get sick or injured you will have the added stress of not being able to pay your bills or your rent. This will make working at Charlton Park a lottery for staff who will start looking elsewhere for employment.
“It is a shame that the school doesn’t want to repay the commitment with the same terms and conditions as those at the other schools.
“For us these two days mark the start of a campaign that will continue into the autumn term.”
Contact: Clive Smith on 07802 958554 or Michelle Gordon on 07866 369259
Notes to editors:
1) Support staff were previously covered by the National Joint Council (NJC) for Local Government (Green Book). Teachers were covered by the National Burgundy Book.
2) Charlton Park Academy is a school that supports students with multiple and low incidence special educational needs with residential facilities. The Headteacher is Mark Dale-Emberton. The Chair of Governors is Graham Harknett
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