GMB member Stephen Morgan takes Portsmouth South seat for Labour

GMB branch X21 member, Stephen Morgan, has won Portsmouth South seat for the Labour party, increasing the Labour vote by over 10,000 since 2010.
For the first time since the Portsmouth South seat was created in 1918, the Labour party has taken the seat in convincing style from Tory, Flick Drummond, with 18,290 votes.
Stephen Morgan, new Labour MP for Portsmouth South said: “It feels absolutely fantastic to be the MP for the city. This is a historic moment for Portsmouth and I am really pleased to be one of this city’s MPs”.
Claire Udy, GMB Branch president said: “This outstanding result has been achieved through the sheer hard work of grass roots local activists getting organised and engaging voters on the streets to highlight Labour policies and our outstanding candidate and all of the hard work has paid off.”
Adrian Baker, GMB Organiser said: “I have never felt so proud of all of the local Labour activists and specifically GMB branch members Stephen and Claire. People must remember that not only has this seat not been won in almost one hundred years by the Labour party, but only two years ago the Tories saw Labour off into third place by a margin of almost 6,500 votes. Portsmouth Labour has not only overcome this 6,500 figure but did so by increasing their own vote by over 10,000.
“This result shows what can be achieved through sheer hard work by local campaigners engaging with the community.”
Contact: Paul Maloney 07901343839 or Michelle Gordon on 07866 369259