GMB member exonerated

A nurse, who is a GMB member, has been cleared by the Nursing and Midwifery Council following an incident where a patient died after choking on food.
The NMC held that the nurse had no case to answer. This mirrored the decision of the coroner and also the police, whose investigations resulted in no further action.
Following the decision, the nurse, who wishes to remain anonymous, said, “This was obviously a devastating matter for all involved and my heart goes out to the family and loved ones of the patient. I say this especially remembering the brother of the late patient who was, from the beginning, very understanding as to my plight and the delicate situation that nurses can find themselves in in the care sector.”
“I am grateful for the support I received from my family and friends and I am primarily thankful for the support I received from GMB and its UnionLine legal team. Without GMB I wouldn’t have known where to start in dealing with my defence. I now want to encourage everyone I know to join GMB.”
Pat Murphy, Branch Secretary, GMB Southern Region said, “This was a very traumatic case but I am pleased GMB were able to assist this member. GMB lawyers were instructed at an early stage to achieve the best possible outcome for the member.”
Nadine Houghton, Regional Officer, GMB Southern Region said, “This was a very distressing and tragic case but I am pleased that GMB were able to assist this member. GMB has a very large membership of nurses, midwives, paramedics and others who work in the healthcare sector. We are well placed to deal with the cross-over between criminal allegations and regulatory proceedings.”
The NMC regulates nurses and midwives in the UK and seeks to set and maintain standards regarding, for example, performance, training and fitness to practise. Referrals to NMC can range from anything from incompetence to conduct. NMC hearings can result in, for example, cautions, suspension, conditions being imposed or, worse case scenario, strike-off. However, as this particular case shows, referrals can also result in a finding of no case to answer.
If you have been invited to a hearing before a regulatory body, please contact your local GMB representative without delay.
Enquiries: Nadine Houghton, Regional Organiser, GMB Southern Region 07714 239 227 or email: