GMB to set up foodbank at Kingston Hospital

“It is an outrage that these hard working hospital staff have to decide between paying the rent or buying food”, says GMB Southern
GMB will be setting up a foodbank for ISS workers at Kingston Hospital on Friday 24 May.
Desperate Kingston Hospital ISS workers have appealed to Kingston NHS and ISS for hardship money as payroll changes have plunged them into a financial black hole.
However, their concerns have fallen on deaf ears as multibillion transnational company ISS have ignored the harrowing evidence presented to them by dozens of hospital workers.
These workers have been campaigning for sick pay and to be paid the London Living Wage for a year with the #kingstonhospcampaign.
Helen O’Connor, GMB Regional Organiser said: “The impact of disastrous pay cycle changes and being forced to pay back unaffordable ISS loans of their own wages has hit the Kingston Hospital workforce hard.
“It is an outrage that these hard working hospital staff have to decide between paying the rent or buying food and this is why GMB Union is forced to step in.
“We have raised this with Kingston NHS Trust, addressed the trust board and we have further talks set for June but our members face hunger and homelessness so GMB is forced to intervene now."
Contact: Helen O’Connor 07506 711574 or GMB Southern Press Office 07970 114762
Previous GMB Press Releases; “GMB Union Organises Food Parcel Deliveries for ISS Workers as Pay Cuts Bite" (25 April 2019)