GMB condemn Tory Councillor in Richmond over cuts in services to disabled children

GMB condemn the Tory Councillor in Richmond upon Thames and call on David Linnette to resign as he offends hundreds of residents, children and workers by sending back a petition to save disabled children services in Richmond Council.
GMB has been running a campaign to save the services supplied to severely disabled children within the borough.
Paul Grafton, GMB Official said, “There has been an electronic petition running for a short period of time in support of GMB’s campaign to protect services for disabled children in Richmond, which have been forwarded to councillors.
“Other councillors from all parties were happy to receive them but Councillor David Linnette chose to send them back without even passing comment. GMB do not believe the petitions or comments made within them were even read. Councillor David Linnette now should be considering his position and resign with immediate effect.
The petition is available here:
“Currently Councillor Jennifer Churchill (Labour) and Councillor Paul Hodgins (Conservative) are attempting to gain support from the Tories to stop the closure of the service and to take it to a scrutiny committee as the service is being forced to close regardless of what the local people want.”
Contact: Paul Grafton 020 8397 8881 or 07714239092 email
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