GMB comments on school funding proposals

GMB comments on department for education proposals on school funding.
Removing democratically elected local authorities from the funding process is a further move towards the privatisation of our school system says GMB
GMB, the union for school support staff, commented on the education reforms announced by the Department for Education.
The proposals, published for consultation on Monday 7 March 2016, on reforming the school funding system will inevitably lead to winners and losers, with many pupils and schools in London and other inner city areas set to lose out.
From 2019-2020, funding will go straight to schools, removing the role of local authorities in determining how funding for schools is allocated.
Karen Leonard, GMB regional organiser, said “Nicky Morgan’s “golden age” of education, sadly feels more like the Stone Age for our members.
Our school system’s hidden professionals do a fantastic job in schools supporting and teaching children, day in, day out. But their pay, terms and conditions are going backwards, not forwards.
This group, mostly made up of part time, low paid women just want recognition for the vital contribution they make to our children’s education, a fair salary and the time, training and tools to teach and support our children and young people, but they don’t appear to even get a mention.
If Nicky Morgan really means it when she says she wants to remove barriers to success, she needs to engage with everyone working in schools, and not just head teachers.
GMB remains unconvinced that removing democratically elected local authorities from the funding process is anything other than a further move towards the privatisation of our school system.”
Contact Karen Leonard on 07957 267831 or GMB press office on 020 7391 6755, 07970 863 411 or 07739 182 691