GMB calls for Labour Party Unity

GMB calls for Labour Party unity after shadow cabinet resignations
This is about democracy and respecting the Labour Party’s democratic process says GMB
Commenting on the resignations of a number of Labour Shadow Cabinet members, Tim Roache, GMB General Secretary, said:
“This is about democracy and respecting the Labour Party’s democratic process. It’s Labour members and affiliate supporters who elect the party leadership, not the PLP or trade unions. Jeremy has a strong mandate, and it’s hugely disappointing that this is not being respected. Individual MPs of course have the right to choose whether to serve in shadow cabinet or not, but as long as he has the support of the membership, it is equally the right of the Party leader to form that shadow cabinet and lead the party.
Right now, we need a united Labour party with a strong, united leadership that is tackling the big issues we face post Brexit vote – a united, credible opposition is absolutely vital as the Tories enter into their own leadership contest as a divided party, a contest that may herald the most right wing government of our generation.”
Contact: GMB press office on 07970 863411 or 07739 182691