GMB call on Windsor and Maidenhead to abandon pay freeze proposals for Council employees

GMB call on the Royal Borough of Windsor and Maidenhead to abandon pay freeze proposals for council employees. Teresa May claims that ‘austerity is over and there are better days ahead’ while Austerity continues in her constituency, says GMB Southern
- GMB have called on the Royal Borough of Windsor and Maidenhead (RBWM) to withdraw proposals of a pay freeze for non-school-based Council employees.
The Council is also preparing for another round of redundancies and are proposing to introduce parking charges for all staff.
Asia Allison, GMB Organiser said:
"GMB firmly believe that the members deserve an uplift to help improve their standards of living, not simply to try and keep their heads above water, as they have done for some time.
"Teresa May claims that ‘austerity is over and there are better days ahead’ while austerity continues in her constituency.
"Instead of ‘better days ahead’ GMB members at RBWM cannot see the end of continued cuts made over the last few years. RBWM proposals are equally as outrageous and GMB are opposing these cuts.
"This is a double pay cut for GMB members and very unsettling information to receive just before Christmas.
"GMB members are furious at the plans and morale is plunging as a result of these proposals.
"GMB will be balloting their members on these proposals and calling upon RBWM to withdraw from these draconian proposals.
"I think it is about time to say ‘enough is enough!’"
Contact: Asia Allison 07813 541 930 or GMB Southern Press Office 07970 114 762