GMB call on LB Lambeth to review pay structure of federation schools

GMB, the union for school support staff, call on Lambeth borough to review the pay structure of Gipsy Hill Federation schools as staff have been offered the chance to take voluntary redundancy in order for management to “take action to safeguard our financial position” despite the suspended CEO still being paid £370,000 salary.
The Chair of Governors has quoted rising costs not matching increases in funding, and the drop in funding especially in London schools – the sums being significant.
This offer of voluntary redundancy comes on the back of “re-structuring” proposals which the joint trade unions were strongly opposed to because it would lead to a loss of teaching and support staff.
Sheila Berry, GMB Regional Organiser said, “This offer of voluntary redundancy should be seen in the light that this Federation employs a large number of very highly paid staff. This level of salary spending cannot be sustained so GMB calls on Lambeth Council to undertake a complete review of the pay structure at these schools.
“I am sure parents and council tax payers in Lambeth will be appalled at this flagrant waste of public money”.
“Given the cuts to school funding across the Borough, surely now is the time for Lambeth Education to disband this expensive Federation and question why, when each school has at least one Headteacher, they need a CEO and a 2 Executive Heads.”
Contact: Sheila Berry, GMB Regional Organiser on 07710 591388
Notes to editors:
1) The CEO of Gipsy Hill Federation, Craig Tunstall is paid £370,000 and is currently suspended.
In addition there are 2 Executive Heads. Each of the five schools in Lambeth is led as follows:
Kingswood – 2 Heads and 5 Deputy Heads
Elm Wood – 1 Head and 3 Deputy Heads
Fenstanton – 1 Head and 4 Deputy Heads
Glenbrook – 1 Head and 2 Deputies
The Federation also runs schools in Southwark:
Phoenix – 1 Head and 4 Deputy Heads
Ilderton – 1 Head and 2 Deputy Heads