GMB@Tolpuddle 2016

GMB@Tolpuddle will be welcoming GMB members for their 2016 camping and festival experience in Tolpuddle, Dorset from Midday, Monday 11th July with camping facilities closing at Midday, Monday 18th July.
Following the success of last year’s event, GMB are pleased to announce that further opportunities for travel to the event and also the opportunity for members to obtain tickets for the main TUC festival through GMB on-site voluntary work will also be available.
GMB have historically had a considerable number of members travelling by coach along the South Coast to the main Banner Parade on the Sunday with pick up points being Portsmouth, Fareham, Southampton, Bournemouth and Poole. This journey which will be repeated this year, however demand is now stretching further afield. GMB members will now have the opportunity to travel from Regional Office, Chessington, with a further pick up point in Epsom, and from Swindon.
Should you be interested or have any queries in respect of either coach, please contact:
Coach 1 – Chessington, Epsom
Coach 2 – Portsmouth, Fareham, Southampton, Bournemouth, Poole
Coach 3 – Swindon