GMB announce further 10 days of action at Brighton & Hove City Council Housing Repairs department

"We’ll stay away until we all have sick pay", say defiant GMB members
GMB have issued BHCC chief executive Geoff Raw with further strike dates in the ongoing dispute to secure sick pay for all operatives and GMB members within the Housing Repairs team.
The walkout will be commencing on Mon 28th September and is the second of such actions taken by the team. It will see Council plumbers, electricians, carpenters and painter/decorators along with various other trades lawfully refusing to work over a 10 day period and until they secure sick pay parity for all colleagues less fortunate then themselves from the city’s Green Party-led council.
The announcement comes at the end of an initial 5 days of action by GMB members whilst awaiting Council Officers’ response to the latest union proposal to resolve the issue.
Mark Turner, GMB B50 Branch Secretary said: “There is now a two week grace period, where service can return to normal. I suggest the Council use this time to come to the table with their own realistic offer if they don’t like the GMB’s viable solution for sick pay fairness.
“The onus is on them now to do just that but it needs to not be based on enforcing a pay cut upon anyone looking to gain sick pay, as Mr Raw and his management team remain adamant would need to happen.
We are now therefore at an impasse as our members remain clear: ‘We’ll stay away until we all have sick pay.’”
Gary Palmer GMB Regional Organiser said: “The response and solidarity from the public and other visitors to this week’s picket line has been fantastic: lots of enquiries about the issue and affirmation that our members actions are warranted and reasonable.
“Geoff Raw, his Exec team and many of the Housing Team management can feel secure that they are safely working from home, all enjoying good salaries and the benefits of full sick pay should illness strike. Our members meanwhile, who are providing emergency home repair cover and are placing themselves at risk on a daily basis, have no sick pay should they get ill.
“Our members don’t believe that to be right, and the GMB agree, so unfortunately this means the dispute will continue. We are sorry to say the residents may have to wait for much needed repairs to their homes as the dispute will almost certainly escalate until the Council see sense and embrace fair pay and sick pay equality for all.”
Contact: Gary Palmer on 07552 165 950 or Mark Turner on 07860 787 973
Note to Editors: Previous Press Releases on the subject are at and